954-445-0490 Bugoutpro@yahoo.com

Mosquito Control

If you are planning a birthday party, family barbeque or wedding in the backyard, the hum of a mosquito is a dreaded sound. These insects carry a variety of diseases such as Malaria, Dengue, west Nile virus and encephalitis among others. Bugout Pro provides mosquito control services to residential and commercial customers. Our technicians are trained with the best equipment used to eliminate these insects so you can enjoy the outdoors again. In South Florida, mosquito’s start to populate during the warm season from May through October. During this time, the weather is mostly damp and humid. These insects tend to swarm in areas where water is stagnant, which is the perfect breeding ground for mosquito larvae. Only female mosquitoes bite, and the blood gives them the energy they need to produce eggs. It takes Mosquito larvae from 4 to 7 days to reach adulthood, that when the feeding begins (biting!) 

Mosquitoes are most active in the early evening or at dawn when it is cool and the air is calm. If you start seeing too many mosquitoes, you should give us a call. Mosquitoes reproduce rapidly, so let us know. If you have standing water in planters and other containers they should be drained out. In areas that cannot be drained we will use larvicides to eliminate the larvae population. We use two primary products in our mosquito treatment. Our main barrier spray products use synthetic forms of pyrethrin’s called pyrethroids. Pyrethrin’s are the natural byproduct of the Chrysanthemum flower. Synthetic pyrethroids have a similar chemical structure as the pyrethrin’s and are used in numerous commercial products such as pet shampoos and household products. We also add an Insect Growth Regulator (I.G.R.). Once the mosquito’s lays their eggs after being in contact with the treatment, these eggs will stay dormant and not hatch. After two applications you should start seeing improvement from our treatment. Also, these chemicals are water-based, so it will not harm plants.


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