954-445-0490 Bugoutpro@yahoo.com

Household & Perimeter 

We begin with a thorough inspection of your property and develop a pest control plan to meet your specific needs. Bugout pro will begin the process by first treating the interior of your home to create a barrier to keep the insects out and eliminate any inside. Bugout Pro will identify the route pests use to get into your home and locate any damage that they might have caused. 

Insects usually enter your home through very small holes and cracks around the foundation, they reproduce often and that is why it is important to start the treatment program before it becomes a severe problem. We’d then concentrate on the exterior, which includes the foundation, doors, windows and soffits.

This treatment creates a chemical bridge that insect’s crossover and once they get back to the nest, they will share the product and the colony will be eradicated. The treatment that we use does not eliminate eggs that insects lay prior to their demise, so a follow up is needed to eliminate the juveniles that have hatched after our initial visit. We will keep this treatment on a schedule basis due to conditions like weather and foot traffic that can affect the strength of our products. If in between services you notice live pest activity, we will treat it for no additional charge. We will always be available to change your plan if needed.


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