954-445-0490 Bugoutpro@yahoo.com

Ornamental and Shrubs


Our Ornamental program ensures that all plants and shrubs get the right nutrients and insect protect you deserve. Our products are applied by foliage and systemic drench treatments.

When added to your existing lawn program, our ornamental and shrub treatment accent’s your healthy lawn. We provide a schedule treatment plan that helps your plants thrive while also preventing insects such as mealybugs, scale, weevils, caterpillars and whitefly from consuming them.

The application of this product is through a foliage spray and a drench method, which uses a systemic chemical which absorbs through the root system and is carried up to the leaves and stems Protecting them from harm. A powder fertilizer is mixed into the chemical to help speed the uptake of the product and like your lawn will help the plant recover and remain health and vibrant.


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